“Reasons Why You Must Avoid Poor Men” – Doyin Davids Warns Ladies

In a recent development, reality tv star Doyin Davids has dished out advice to single women on why they must avoid poor men.
Sharing a video of man on her instagram story, she told women to never date a struggling or poor man because it will be hard to know their true colors then.
In the video the man had revealed how he had dated a girl when he was younger and was still struggling and she had come through for him consistently. However, his feelings changed when he be became more financially independent.
“You see why I always say never ever give your money to a man that hasn’t done anything for you. You simply cannot know the true attitude of a man till he has some money to throw around. For you mental health, avoid poor men.”
Also recall that Doyin has been vocal about the standards of men she wants to be with. A few months ago, she had stated that she could not date a man that lives on the mainland.
She reveals that for the relationship to work the man would have to come to the island or look for a girl that stays in the mainland.
She also m gave her reasons for not wanting to date a man on the mainland. She expressed that her life and work work were situated on the island and therefore she could not compromise for any man.