“I Purchased My Own Ticket” – Girl Who Left Boyfriend for Omah Lay Concert Finally Speaks Up

In a recent development, the girl who left her boyfriend to rock singer Omah Lay in a viral video has finally spoken up.
In a recent video which he shared on social media, she disclosed that she had gotten the ticket to the concert by herself and for the two of them) contrary to the narrative that her boyfriend had been the one to pay for the ticket.
She also further expressed that she had also discussed with her boyfriend about the possibility of meeting Omah Lay and also going up on stage and that he had been completely on board with it.
However, she stressed on the fact that it was an embarrassing situation for him and that while she had spoken to him privately, she still wanted to publicly apologise to him.
She further stated that the whole thing had been blown out of proportion and that she regretted going for the concert in the first place because she did not know that she would get the amount of hate that she was currently getting.
Recall that recently Kemi Filani had reported that her boyfriend had also spoken out. The Understanding Nigerian Boyfriend had in an interview with American streamer/ YouTuber Kai Cenat expressed that what happened was not a PR stunt but was completely real.
He also expressed that he had dated his girlfriend for 1 year and not 7 years like most people had been speculating. He also stated that he was devastated at the whole incident that occurred.
Also recall that Big Brother Nigeria reality TV star Vee Iye had drummed support for him as she frowned at the girl condemning her acts as being completely disrespectful.
Also reality tv star Venita Akpofure had also opined that the man should not have been angry since he was only dating the girl and not married to her.