Daddy Freeze Criticizes Gospel Singer for Praying in Tongues During Rain

“Daddy Freeze Criticizes Gospel Singer Grace Lokwa for Praying in Tongues During Heavy Downpour
Nigerian media personality Daddy Freeze has expressed disapproval towards gospel singer Grace Lokwa, following a viral video depicting Lokwa fervently praying in tongues amidst heavy rain at what seemed like a crusade. Freeze deemed Lokwa’s actions as unbiblical, sparking ongoing discussions in the online community.”
“Daddy Freeze Reacts to Viral Video of Grace Lokwa Praying in Tongues in the Rain”
“Lokwa, known for the hit song ‘Kumama’ featuring Moses Bliss, and his members were captured in the video praying fervently, with Freeze suggesting they were petitioning to God to halt the rain.”